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Appspace Digital Signage
in Microsoft Teams Rooms

As a technology provider, making updates and fixes is a large part of our business to provide a top-tier solution to our customers. As a private cloud customer, you get to access those updates as we release them, which can sometimes be several in a short period of time. 

We understand that frequent updates can cause business disruptions, so we’re offering the option for you to be in control of the frequency of the updates. This offering further promotes putting control in your hands to make updates at times that are low risk for your business and timely. 

Here’s what you can expect from these offerings:

We will offer two release management schedules for Private Cloud environments, selectable by the customer:

In addition to the release management schedules, we are offering a sandbox to help facilitate seamless transitions and QA prior to updating internal systems. 

Here’s an overview of the sandbox offering:

Click here to fill out a support ticket to make your choice, or contact your customer success manager for more information.