Is your intranet ready to bridge the $1.9 trillion engagement gap?

Employee engagement has stagnated in the U.S., meaning a $1.9 trillion hit in lost productivity according to data from Gallup. Globally, just 23% of employees felt engaged at work last year.

You don’t have to look far to spot some of the reasons behind this trend. With more people working remotely or hybrid, it’s harder to create spaces for engagement and collaboration. Appspace research found that the top struggles for those working remotely were feeling a sense of camaraderie with co-workers, and feeling connected and engaged with work.

So, what’s the fix?

As workplace technology has evolved, the role of the intranet is undergoing a fundamental shift. Forget the simple information hub (that nobody visits) stuffed with forgotten documents and out-of-date policies and procedures (that nobody reads), modern intranets are becoming powerful tools for employee communication, connection, and collaboration. A trend that’s accelerating with the rise in hybrid and remote work and the use of AI technology.

Bridging communication gaps across teams and locations

Siloed teams and communication are a huge problem in many organizations. Siloed working practices mean that teams struggle to connect with others across the organization, and that’s exacerbated when working remotely. This can lead to a lack of collaboration, misunderstandings, poor decision-making, and a fragmented corporate culture.

“Remote, hybrid, and in-person employees’ top challenges of 2023 were identical:
1. Tech issues
Appspace 2024 trends and insights report

The modern intranet meets these challenges head-on by serving as a centralized communication platform. It breaks down silos by providing spaces where employees across departments and locations can share updates, collaborate on projects, and engage in meaningful conversations – even across languages with auto-translate capability.

For remote workers, a modern intranet levels the playing field. It’s a place where everyone can stay informed and connected. By integrating familiar communication tools like chat, video calls, and discussion forums, the intranet gives all employees, regardless of their location, equal access to information and the opportunity to contribute. This level of inclusivity not only enhances communication but reinforces the idea that every employee is valued and able to thrive anywhere.

Add to that an integrated employee app, and you have a seamless experience that truly connects today’s mobile-first workforce whether they’re in the office, on the frontline, at home or on the go. Push notifications, mobile access to social feeds, and the ability to participate in forums and groups directly from a smartphone, means employees are never far from the pulse of the organization.

AI technology helps everyone communicate better

Appspace offers integrated AI technology which is transforming workplace communication. Generative text, summaries and personalization, make communication and collaboration easier and more engaging. AI tools can “support the discovery, creation, and timely distribution of content that’s not only relevant to employees’ work, but also helps them form connections with others around shared interests,” says Thomas Philippart de Foy, Chief Innovation Officer at Appspace.

Fostering connection through community

“I like to think about communication channels as the foundations of your internal communication system. All your messages and campaigns will be built upon your channels, so if they’re not rock solid and fit for purpose then your entire system of communication is likely to fall down,” says communications expert Joanna Parsons. (You can read more of Joanna’s valuable insights on our blog here.)

Her view is that “communication channels are ESSENTIAL” in fostering a sense of connection and belonging among employees. And this is where the community-building features of modern intranets come into their own. Tools like forums, groups, and social feeds are not just add-ons; they are essential components that transform the intranet into a vibrant community hub. And that can be a big plus when it comes to employee wellbeing. Particularly when mental ill health costs the US economy a staggering $47bn per year in lost productivity.

A modern intranet gives your employees a valuable channel to be heard. Here are three features that should be an integral part of boosting your company culture:

  1. Forums and groups allow employees to create and join communities based on shared interests, roles, or projects. Whether it’s a group for marketing professionals, a forum for discussing industry trends, or a space dedicated to wellness and mental health, these communities provide employees with a sense of belonging and an outlet for their passions. They can also be instrumental in nurturing cross-departmental collaboration, as they bring together individuals with diverse skills and perspectives.
  2. Social feeds offer a dynamic way for employees to engage with each other. They can be used to share company news, celebrate milestones, or recognize colleagues for their achievements. By encouraging informal interaction, social feeds help humanize the workplace, making it easier for employees to connect on a personal level.
  3. Event calendars and virtual gatherings: In addition to asynchronous communication, modern intranets can host event calendars that promote virtual gatherings, webinars, ask-me-anything meetings, and town halls. These events can serve as touchpoints for employees and leaders to connect in real-time, strengthening the sense of community right across the organization.

A catalyst for a connected workplace

Intranets are no longer just digital filing cabinets. They’re essential platforms for communication, collaboration, and community-building. By breaking down silos, fostering connections through community features, and integrating seamlessly with employee apps, modern intranets are transforming how employees engage with their work and each other.

Get it right, and engagement rises. “Engaged employees have higher wellbeing, better retention, lower absenteeism and higher productivity,” says Gallup. What’s not to like?

As organizations adjust to the remote and hybrid work evolution, the intranet’s role as a catalyst for connection is critical. Get it right and you’ll enhance communication AND strengthen the sense of belonging and community that’s essential for a workplace that helps every employee thrive.

Take a closer look at the Appspace Intranet, take the Employee App for a spin, and give your organization a boost.