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The best frontline communication solution for healthcare? 5 things to look for

The best frontline communication solution for healthcare? 5 things to look for

In healthcare, the right solutions can mean the difference between life and death. Yet all too often, cutting edge-medicine is backed up by outdated ways of sharing and storing information. When it comes to digital maturity, healthcare has historically been falling behind.

Why? A few reasons, including the fact that healthcare organizations are hyper-regulated, prioritizing data security over patient and employee experience. And often, frontline communications isn’t one of the top healthcare IT spending priorities.  

Now the game’s changed. Today, healthcare organizations are digitally transforming at a rapid pace, according to Accenture, which highlights that “85% of CEOs and 79% of health system leaders see substantial or transformative change ahead. And, 70% of healthcare workers’ tasks in the US could be redesigned by technology augmentation or automation.”

Healthcare leaders are recognizing the need to digitally transform at all levels of the organization. To enable new hybrid work models, they need to invest in the right tech. Truly intelligent digital workplaces (versus traditional intranets) can not only modernize operations but help bring disparate workforces together in an environment that meets the strictest security requirements.

With everyone and everything they need connected within a single hub, staff can work more efficiently, while healthcare organizations can improve outcomes – for everyone.  

With this in mind, we’ve broken down five key benefits.   

1. It’s time to go mobile-first  

Working in healthcare can be unpredictable, with long hours and ever-changing schedules. With so much information changing hands on a daily basis, and so little desk time, employees need a mobile-based solution. 

The right frontline communication solution keeps everything staff need – from on-call schedules to emergency protocol – right at their fingertips. Being able to access critical information at the touch of a button can improve outcomes and even save lives. 

Plus, being able to easily access the most current information makes staff far more able to properly follow your organization’s guidelines and policies. 

2. Improved communication means higher engagement

Connecting HQ with staff on the ground is essential in healthcare. The last thing you want is workers missing out on key information or feeling that they’re overlooked when it comes to decision-making.

One study by the London School of Economics found that nurses are far more favorable towards new processes or software that they’ve been able to give feedback on. After all, when it comes to the day-to-day running of the organization, they’re the experts.

Appspace is designed to be intuitive, taking the best insights from familiar social platforms that require no training. Staff can ‘like’, comment, and engage with posts in a meaningful way. Managers can tap into the collective intelligence and expertise of their whole staff, rather than simply relying on their immediate team. 

The right employee communications solution creates a positive feedback loop, where staff feel that their voices are heard and valued, and therefore are more likely to share their ideas.  

3. Security is drastically improved

Think about how much sensitive information healthcare organizations hold. No wonder they’re a major target for hackers and other fraudsters. 

“While there has been a reduction in reported data breaches, they are still up by 22% for the [2024] year,” according to the HIPPA Journal

“333 data breaches of 500 or more records were reported to OCR between January 1, 2024, and May 31, 2024 compared to 273 for the corresponding period last year.”

When the data concerned is so sensitive, the resulting loss of trust between providers and service users can be devastating. 

With security built into the platform from the ground up, an intelligent digital workplace can not only keep data safe but teach staff how to manage sensitive information and remind them of exactly who is allowed to access it. 

Platforms like Appspace also offer another, more surprising, layer of security. Appspace is designed with the best possible UX in mind, resulting in a platform that staff actually want to use. With frustrating older systems, there’s more danger of staff accidentally compromising security by going rogue and turning to non-compliant tech to meet their needs.

4. Investing in the right tech could actually save organizations money 

Understandably, budget-conscious stakeholders are nervous about the upfront costs of installing a digital workplace solution. But, done right, a new frontline communications system could actually save everyone money, by improving employee experience and making staff more efficient. 

After all, time is money. So even simple features, like improved search capabilities, could save thousands every year, just by cutting down on time spent looking for files or other information. 

Considering 20% of employees struggle to feel connected and engaged at work, it’s an issue that needs addressing – no matter the industry.  

By engaging employees and increasing their satisfaction at work, healthcare organizations can reduce staff turnover. This saves money on hiring costs, which are often very expensive.   

5. Better, more connected cultures mean happier staff  

With so many healthcare workers battling through difficult situations on a daily basis, it’s important to ensure they’re receiving encouraging feedback and feel that they’re part of a positive culture.  

As this article by Harvard’s Division of Continuing Education points out: “…people working in companies that have a positive corporate culture are healthier, happier, more productive, and less likely to leave. Research also shows that companies with positive workplace cultures have higher average annual returns.” 

For healthcare organizations, this isn’t just true for staff. A positive workplace culture also improves outcomes for patients, as staff are better organized, more engaged, more motivated, and more able to perform to the best of their abilities.

Want to see for yourself? 

If you’re interested in seeing what Appspace can do for your organization, book a demo today. Or explore our interactive demos at your own pace.

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