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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Channel for Appspace – Available Now

Chances are you’ve heard about Coronavirus (COVID-19), a respiratory disease that is labeled by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a public health emergency of international concern. Over the past few weeks, we’ve gotten several questions from our customers on how to best utilize Appspace’s features to help keep their teams aware and healthy. As an employer ourselves, we’re monitoring the spread of the virus, and are naturally concerned for our team members as the number of cases continue to climb — and based on these questions, we know you are too. 

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Channel for Appspace

To answer these requests, we created a channel available to download now in the Appspace Channel Gallery to help our customers keep employees informed and at ease.

This channel can help you educate your teams on protecting themselves against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak with tips recommended by the World Health Organization. Tips include simple measures such as washing your hands with soap and water, as well as food safety, travel precautions, and ways to prevent others from getting sick. Each card in this channel contains content directly from the World Health Organization and is WHO-branded. In addition, each card is fully customizable, meaning you can change the colors, text, images, and layouts as you see fit for your organization and is ready to deploy on your digital signs and collaboration displays powered by Appspace.

Adding this Content to Your Signage

Adding this channel to your Appspace account is easy, simply click here and follow the instructions provided. If you have trouble, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or our support team. They will be happy to assist.

We hope that this content adds some peace of mind to your workplace. Stay healthy!

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