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Update to Chrome OS Pinning for Appspace’s Digital Signage Software

It is standard practice at Appspace to test every version of Google Chrome OS. In January 2019, we will be updating Chrome pinning for our app to v69 of Chrome OS. 

Putting a pin on it

In March this year, we pinned our app to Chrome OS v64 which met our stability and reliability standards. Since then we have seen several more Chrome OS releases from Google. During tests of the newer versions of Chrome OS, we experienced some mixed results. Following patches from Google and ourselves, we are now confident with pinning the Appspace App to OS v69.

For card developers

With tighter security restrictions in Chrome OS v69, specifically around some JavaScript components, custom developed or modified Appspace Cards may require a code revision to operate as expected. If you need help with this, please reach out on our community forum.

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